TECHNIQUES (to be demonstrated both Migi & Hidari):
Bow, take a basic sleeve/lapel grip and posture (Kumi-kata).
Demonstrate how to walk with a partner.
Take a breakfall when thrown by partner.
Ritsu-rei |
Kumi-kata |
Kuzure-kesa-gatame |
Za-rei |
Hon-kesa-gatame |
O-uchi-gari |
Ushiro-ukemi |
Ippon-seoi-nage |
Ko-uchi-gari |
Yoko-ukemi |
Morote-seoi-nage |
Tai-otoshi |
Zenpo-kaiten-ukemi |
O-goshi |
Yoko-shiho-gatame |
Mae-ukemi |
De-ashi-barai |
How to submit
SAFETY & ETIQUETTE (answer questions to ascertain you know the following):
When to submit, you must stop when Matte is called, when to rei, that you breakfall for safety
Who you should inform of any medical problems, how you should behave in the Dojo
You are not allowed to put your hands / feet on someone's face, you should treat Sensei with courtesy and respect, that all jewellery etc. is removed before stepping onto the mat
Correct way to line up, that you should apply strangles and arm locks slowly and with care
JAPANESE TERMINOLOGY (be able to translate the following):
Matte, Hajime, Kiotsuke, Sensei, Tori, Uke, Ukemi, Migi, Hidari, Judo, Tatami, Maitte,
Obi, Za Rei, Ritsu Rei, Dojo, Sore-made, Judogi, Osae-komi, Toketa, Kodokan
KATA: (progressive through the grades)
6th Kyu 2 Yellow tabs: 1st technique of the 1st set of Katame-No-Kata
6th Kyu 3 Yellow tabs: 1st and 2nd techniques of the 1st set of Katame-No-Kata
5th Kyu: 1st, 2nd and 3rd techniques of the 1st set of Katame-No-Kata
1st technique of the 2nd set of Nage-No-Kata
TECHNIQUES (to be demonstrated both Migi & Hidari):
Bow, take a basic sleeve/lapel grip and posture (Kumi-kata).
Demonstrate how to walk with a partner.
Take a breakfall when thrown by partner.
Hon-kesa-gatame |
Ko-uchi-gari |
Tai-otoshi |
Ippon-seoi-nage |
Kuzure-kesa-gatame |
Hon-Yoko-shiho-gatame |
Morote-seoi-nage |
Ko-soto-gari |
Mune-gatame |
O-goshi |
Sasae-tsuri-komi-ashi |
Tsuri-goshi |
De-ashi-barai |
Morote-seoi-otoshi |
Harai-goshi |
O-uchi-gari |
O-soto-gari |
Hane-goshi |
SAFETY & ETIQUETTE (answer questions to ascertain you know the following):
Zori should be placed at the edge of the mat, nails must be kept short and clean, body must be kept clean, that you must ask for permission to leave the mat before you bow off the mat and step into your Zori, demonstrate the Referee's signal for 'Matte'
Correct way to sit on a judo mat is either crossed-legged or kneeling, Judogi should be kept clean, demonstrate how to tie your obi, demonstrate Referee Signal for 'Osae-komi'
B.J.C. stands for British Judo Council, President of the B.J.C. is Mr.Otani, That when a high grade enters the Sensei will stop the class, introduce the visitor and then the whole class will rei to them. Demonstrate the Referee Signal for 'Toketa'
The only joint allowed to be locked is the elbow, Sensei should be informed of any injuries,Judo was developed from Ju-Jitsu by Dr. Jigaro Kano.
Demonstrate the Referee Signal for 'Yuko'
JAPANESE TERMS (be able to translate the following):
Ippon, Waza-ari, Yuko, Tatami, Zori, Uchi-komi, Kuzushi, Tsukuri, Osae-komi waza, Kansetsu-waza, Sono-Mama, Kake, Renraku-waza, Kaeshi-waza, Yoshi, Nage, Hantei, Randori, Maitta, Shinzentai, Jigotai
5th Kyu 1 orange tab: 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th techniques of the 1st set of Katame-No-Kata
1st and 2nd techniques of the 2nd set of Nage-No-Kata
5th Kyu 2 orange tabs:1st set of Katame-No-Kata
2nd set of Nage-No-Kata
5th Kyu 3 orange tabs: 1st set and 1st technique of the 2nd set of Katame-No-Kata
2nd set and 1st technique of the 3rd set of Nage-No-Kata
4th Kyu: 1st set and 1st & 2nd techniques of the 2nd set of Katame-No-Kata
2nd set and 1st & 2nd techniques of the 3rd set of Nage-No-Kata
TECHNIQUES (to be demonstrated both Migi & Hidari):
Bow, take a basic sleeve/lapel grip and posture (Kumi-kata).
Demonstrate how to walk with a partner.
Take a breakfall when thrown by partner.
Hon-kesa-gatame |
De-ashi-barai |
Tai-otoshi |
Ippon-seoi-nage |
Kuzure-kesa-gatame |
Yoko-shiho-gatame |
O-soto-gari-gaeshi |
O-uchi-gari |
Ko-soto-gari |
Uchi-mata |
Ko-uchi-gari |
Sasae-tsuri-komi-ashi |
Morote-seoi-nage |
Tsuri-goshi |
Harai-goshi |
O-goshi |
Tsuri-komi-goshi |
Hane-goshi |
Tate-shiho-gatame |
Kata-gatame |
Kami-shiho-gatame |
Kuzure-kami-shiho-gatame |
Counter x 2 |
Combination x 2 |
SAFETY & ETIQUETTE (answer questions to ascertain you know the following):
Judo originated in Japan, you should treat everyone with courtesy and respect,
The red area on a contest mat is the Danger Area and signals to contestants that they are getting close to being outside of the contest area.
Founders of the BJC were Kenshiro Abbe and Matsutaro Otani, you should do Judo in a Registered BJC club with a Registered BJC Instructor.
Demonstrate the Referee Signal for 'Waza-ari Awasate-Ippon' and 'Hiki-Wake'
The Kamiza is the honoured place within the Dojo and is situated opposite the main entrance and usually has a picture of the Founder. Kyu Shin Do is the philosophy of Kenshiro Abbe and is the way his Judo was handed down to us. Kyu Shin Do also means 'circles'.
JAPANESE TERMS (be able to translate the following):
Tai-Sabaki, Kata, Gokyo, Shido Hansoku-Make, Hiki-Wake, Hikite, Joseki, Seiza, Shiai, Shime-Waza, Katame-Waza, Zubon, Uwegi, Nage-waza, Nage-komi, Tsurite.
4th Kyu:
1st set and 1st & 2nd techniques of the 2nd set of Katame-No-Kata
2nd set and 1st & 2nd techniques of the 3rd set of Nage-No-Kata
4th Kyu 1 green tab:
1st set and 1st, 2nd & 3rd techniques of the 2nd set of Katame-No-Kata
2nd set and 3rd set of Nage-No-Kata
4th Kyu 2 green tabs:
1st set and 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th techniques of the 2nd set of Katame-No-Kata
2nd set and 3rd set and 1st technique of the 1st set of Nage-No-Kata
4th Kyu 3 green tabs:
1st set and 2nd set of Katame-No-Kata
2nd set and 3rd set and 1st & 2nd techniques of the 1st set of Nage-No-Kata
3rd Kyu:
1st set and 2nd set of Katame-No-Kata
1st set, 2nd set and 3rd set Nage-No-Kata